* Load WP Job Manager's default hooks.
* @hooked single_job_listing_meta_start
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Gavin’s Tuition Centre (Midtown)
JC, Primary, Secondary

Gavin’s Tuition sincerely believes that students deserve a holistic education and should enjoy the learning journey in a conducive environment without fear of failure.
Subject offered in Primary
- Mathematics
- English
- Chinese
- Science
- Higher Chinese
Subject offered in secondary
- Mathematics
- English
- Chinese
- Science
- History
- Geography
- Literature
- E Mathematics
- A Mathematics
- Principles of Accounting
- Combined Chemistry
- Biology
- Physics
- Pure History
- Elective History
- Elective Geography
- Pure Social Studies
- Elective Social Studies
Subject offered in JC
- GP
- Chinese
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Biology
- Mathematics
- Economics
- History
- Geography
- Social Studies
- Literature